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बुढा बिदेश बुडि अर्कै नाठो संग जंगलमा सुतिरहेको अवस्था मा गाउलेले भेटे पछि यस्तो भयो हेर्नुहोस भिडियोबुढा बिदेश बुडि अर्कै नाठो संग जंगलमा सुतिरहेको अवस्था मा गाउलेले भेटे पछि यस्तो भयो हेर्नुहोस भिडियोPower supply to naturally rich Bandipur has been cut off for a week. This has also affected the tourism business in the area.Hotel Business Association, Bandipur Chairman, Sanat Kumar Shrestha, said without the electricity, their business in around 300 hotels has been affected.Tourists here have shortened their stay and are planning to return home because of the load shedding.”Bandipur has been in the dark after a transformer blasted a week ago. No any effort has been made to repair the transformer.Nepal Electricity Authority Tanahun Chief Sunil Sapkota informed that the 100 KV-transformer has been sent to Hetaunda for repair. “The installation of 50 KV-transformer has not been able to bear the load,” Sapkota said, claiming, “The electricity supply would resume in a day or two.”Homestay operator Sita BK has also stated that their businesses along with children’s education and other works have also been affected.
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