
When he began his adolescent life he was at that point famous as an artist in his territory. To make his vocation he moved to Kathmandu leaving his CMA study in Surkhet. In 2050 B.S he began his move preparing with move executive Kamal Rai and formally he enterd into move world. Since his teenager life he is famous as an artist. He likewise has finished his Intermediate level from Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus in his adolescent life.Shankar BC is a recompense winning tap artist and choreographer of Nepali Music and film industries.Shankar BC (conceived 1979) is a Nepali Dance executive, educator, performing artist and choreographer. Shankar BC is best known for His choreographic work in various Nepali music recordings. Shankar BC has choreographed move schedules for more than a sixteen hundred melodies in nepali music.


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